Friday, January 13, 2006


~I just spent the last hour or so on the phone with my sister. For those of you who don't know, my sister, Veronica, graduated eight years ago. The competition one act that year was Red Noses, the first time around. For the last hour I've been getting the names of the cast from '98, and searching them online, with any hope, they can be tracked down and may even contribute to this blog. Incidentally, I need to create a generic account for our cast so that those without blogger identities can post. But that's beside the point. The point is: Here's the list.

Father Flote...........Jason Patrick Sands
(Sister) Bells..........Jennie Mast
Tulon....................Todd Walker
Marguerite............Andrea Weres
Frapper.................Allison Darby
Viennet..................Morgan Epps
Pope & Scarron......TJ Colligan
Boutros Brother.....Justin Mueller
Boutros Brother.....Brian Welles
Krez......................Chris Grierson
Le Grue.................Greg Bailey

Crows...................Stuart Smith, Valerie Teague
Flagellants............Eric English, Kiley Rester

~I am confident that these are the names of all of the cast members; I am just as confident that some of the roles are a little different, because I know that Stuart Smith played the fellow who runs off to the mountains. At any rate, out of these, Jason Patrick Sands has been on Broadway, in the movie Kinsey and The Producers (bit parts, but hey, he's got an IMDB page) Allison Darby has performed professionally in Dallas, TJ Colligan at one point hosted a radioshow/podcast called 'Fanboy Radio' which was also at one point produced by Morgan Epps, both of these I have My Space addresses for, and you can listen to their podcasts. Justin Mueller is Seth's older brother, Jennie mast has a sister our age who is in college in Chicago, but I frequent her live journal. Basically all of these (save, perhaps for Jason) I feel confident I can get in contact with one way or another, for their perspectives their memories of the show.
~Remember that Red Noses advanced all the way to (I believe) Region. These people have the experience under their belt. We would all do well to learn from what they learned doing the play before we did. They know what worked, they will now where we will run into problems.
~The names that I did not mention are ones that I haven't gotten sufficient information on online, or don't know to have any personal connection with and cannot get in touch with. However, I can only assume that some of the people I can get a hold of might have connections to them still. Which, albeit is no guarantee that they any of these people will want to have anything to do with remembering their good ol'days of OAP, (particularly Jason who has moved onto much bigger things) But I'm still going to ask all of them I can. Several, I know, have enough loyalty to my father that I think I can recall them, and even if not, there's always my sister. She's already confirmed some stuff with me that we'll have to watch out for and told my dad some others.
~So I'm about to get on the horn and get in touch with as many of these as I can. Oh, I forgot to mention that one of the understudies was Ross's older brotehr Aaron, who just returned from Madagascar, so that's another connection to explore. Soon I'll have a generic account for people who are not regular bloggers, but that won't be an issue till we get a cast. IN the meantime, please please don't forget that we are going to be working harder on this show than we ever have before. Keep the play in mind; I'm also going to look for a video of last time. But do not forget to keep resolve, just always keep Red Noses simmering somewhere in the back of your mind. Dad says cast list will be up Tuesday; Ross wants to take bets,
~We’ll see.


Blogger Ross said...

my bet is hee'll have it up after school tuesday, I'm up for $2. after school, but not untill after lunch is over.

12:55 AM  
Blogger RLW said...

Melissa Gerstle was on crew. Veronica was stage manager. CeCe Seiling helped choreograph Sonniere. And may I place a bet on when the cast list will be up?

2:36 AM  
Blogger RLW said...

Cast Announcement:,BISD/White,Ron/uh0.stm

2:39 AM  

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